Your current personal, lifestyle and medical information can affect how long you might live for. We have based our calculations on UK Pensions Industry Data* and your own assessment of your general health.
'Excellent' - assumes that you are feeling pretty good and haven’t been to the doctors for as long as you can remember. Your height and weight are fine, and you don’t take any tablets for any health conditions.
'Reasonable' – assumes that you are feeling okay health wise, but not brilliant. You have managed to give up smoking, and you take medication for Type 2 Diabetes.
'Challenging'– assumes that your health is struggling as a result of a more serious condition such as Parkinsons that is impacting on your activities of daily living.
'Critical'– assumes that you are suffering from a very serious medical condition, such as cancer, and undergoing treatment for it. You may find it difficult to get about, and possibly need assistance with day-to-day activities.
*The Continuous Mortality Investigation (2017).